
Wayflyer is a global revenue-based finance provider for eCommerce merchants. Wayflyer's mission is to help eCommerce merchants scale, by removing their biggest barrier to growth - funding. The company founded in 2019, in Dublin, Ireland. It has given out approximately $2Bn to some of the fastest growing eCommerce brands globally. 

Partner product overview

Working together with Wayflyer, J.P. Morgan supports the working capital needs of small and medium sized online merchants. Utilizing the underwriting capabilities of Wayflyer and the balance sheet strength of J.P. Morgan, eCommerce platforms can provide access to liquidity to Merchants, accelerating their ability to scale through an integrated payment platform.

Benefits with J.P. Morgan

Leveraging Wayflyer’s underwriting capabilities, J.P. Morgan can provide financing to Wayflyer to help their customers unlock working capital for vital funding needs such as marketing spend and inventory

eCommerce Platform benefits:

  • Improve revenue generation through new sales channels.
  • Grow business and manage cash flow through low cost of funds.
  • Attract new merchants and enhance relationships.

Merchant Benefits:

  • Release of free cash flow for capital investment.
  • Increase inventory & marketing spend to grow consumer base.
  • Increase competitiveness & sales at a lower cost to consumers.

Solution availability

  • NAMR
  • EMEA

Wayflyer is a global revenue-based finance provider for eCommerce merchants. Wayflyer's mission is to help eCommerce merchants scale, by removing their biggest barrier to growth - funding. The company founded in 2019, in Dublin, Ireland. It has given out approximately $2B to some of the fastest growing eCommerce brands globally.